
Conflicts of the Future
September, 2014

Strategic Foresight Group has collaborated with The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) in the special issue of the Building Peace magazine, on Conflicts of the Future. The special issue was published for the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 21st September 2014.

Strategic Foresight Group has prepared the framing essay which enables you to make your own assessment of future prospects of peace and war in the world at large or any region of your interest.

Ilmas Futehally, Executive Director, Strategic Foresight Group has also written an article for the special issue on disappearing water bodies and the intricate connection between water and conflict.

The Building Peace publication is part of the Building Peace Forum by The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), for people, communities and organizations to share their experiences and views on peace and security issues of the 21st century.

The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is a global membership association of diverse actors including peacebuilding organizations, government, academia, and nongovernmental organizations, that engage in peace building and conflict resolution activities around the world. Through its online presence, annual conferences, and other programs, AfP provides a platform for sharing information and best practices in the field.

Please find the link to the special issue of Peace Building magazine on �€œConflicts of the Future�€ pasted below.

To read the cover essay please see Page 4 of the publication

To read the article by Ilmas Futehally please see Page 26 of the publication.